Please find here the instructions on how to upgrade.

  • The paid version contains a lot more functionality than the free version making you more productive. You also need the paid version in order to use the two mobile companions apps (for Android and iPhone). The list below assumes that you are familiar with the free version.

  • The free version does not sync with any mobile devices.
  • The best way to appreciate the paid version is to download the trial version.

Paid 3.x version

Here is the long list of improvements you get:


  • Daily, weekly,monthly and yearly calendar views with possibility to update the actions from within the views - see article
  • Ability to add links to Evernote document, Lotus Notes document or Reference item within the Notes field
  • Free iPhone companion. See functionality
  • Free Android companion. See functionality
  • Improved Process Thoughts: can create multiple actions from one thought
  • Better performance
  • Global find - see demo
  • 6 Level model: ability to maintain Goal Levels, enter Goals and link projects to Goals - see article
  • Automatic backup - see demo
  • Maintain Delegate To list
  • Notes field has been modified so that user can copy and paste between applications without exiting the Edit mode setting + can link to reference item within the notes. See demo
  • Letter format for all Jasper Reports
  • Pocketmod reports available in letter format
  • Project export/import
  • Email fetching: ability to save the email attachment(s) under a user-specified folder


  • Improved recovery process
  • Someday/Maybe Review screen: ability to select multiple items from the list and delete, reprocess them (now or later) or set the Tickle date - see demo
  • New transactions on the Review Actions list: change action status, change project and change criteria - see article
  • New shortcut key to mark done actions
  • More options for the project automatic sequencing: allow you to specify project auto-sequencing defaults under the Project Tab settings. The auto-sequencing has also been changed to include or not Scheduled and/or Delegated actions
  • Improved Archiving process
  • Email retrieval: option to keep the emails on the server
  • Ability to enter a free text for the Delegate To field as well as selecting a value from the drop down list. You can specify the default mode for the field under the Actions Preferences
  • When delegating, the text in the Notes includes a timestamp and the delegate
  • New ical export for project (current and future) due date
  • Default paper size for the 3 reports called from the project node and action node can be specified under the Project preferences
  • Project reports: include done actions or not if shown or not on the project tree
  • New look for Mac users
  • Add Reference items and Someday/Maybe items directly from their review screens
  • Delete multiple thoughts within the Collect Thoughts screen
  • New values for the action date filtering. See demo

Technical note: 3.x is built on the new version of Netbeans (6.5).

American English, German, Spanish and French versions

Different downloads are available for each language.

About ThinkingRock

ThinkingRock is developed by Avente Pty Ltd, an Australian registered company.

ThinkingRock is not affiliated with or endorsed by the David Allen Company.

Getting Things Done® and GTD® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.

Read more about the ThinkingRock team in this interview on the Netbeans website

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